Penname: Ellie_M_P [Contact] Real name: Ellie_M_P
Member Since: Dec 16, 2012
Membership status: Member
I like television quite a lot. I watch sit-coms but mostly just to fill the time while having lunch alone. :) Otherwise I prefer quality TV, quality cinema and good acting.
My favourite series are 'Dr House', 'Kung fu: The Legend Continues' and 'ReGenesis'... and 'Highlander'. :p (not necessary in that order)

Feedback, questions and anything else you may want to say are welcome at
Beta-reader: No
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Stories by Ellie_M_P
Published: Mar 15, 2013 Updated: Mar 15, 2013
Do you remember 'Sins of the Mother' (SS, s8)? Well, this tale is inspired by that episode. The synopsis is simple: the story tells how Tom Ryan knows Kwai Chang Caine.

Time frame is pre-series for both characters. More info...

Published: Dec 16, 2012 Updated: Dec 16, 2012
The year is 1978, the location - a gloomy orphanage in a Northern US city... The orphanage welcomes its latest resident.
This is the story of the twelve-year old Peter Caine and his first days at Pineridge, an orphaned boy struggling to come to terms with his whole world falling apart, and learning to live again. Also few words on destiny's mysterious ways... More info...