fanfictionwriters.net is an unofficial, not for profit fan site. Writers archived on this website make no claim or profit on their stories and are written solely for entertainment purposes only. Associated names, characters, places, items, and descriptions used in fandoms archived on this website are the copyright and/ or trademarks of their rightful owners.
All visitors and writers must comply with and understand the following before becoming a member of Fan Fiction Writers:
Is not required unless you fall into one of both of the following categories:
- Writers - (for obvious reasons).
Provide a pen name, a valid working email address, and something (anything, even a silly comment) in the bio section. Failure to provide this information, clearly identified with a red apostrophe, will result in the instant deletion of the account. No warning will be issued. Why this hassle? Blame it on spammers.
- Reading adult theme (rated R or higher) stories. This is to prevent minors, and those who do not want to read or view such material. By registering for an account, you are stating you are of legal age in your country/state.
*Notice to MSN and Hotmail users: If you attempt to register using these email providers, it might be rejected - not by FFW, but by Microsoft. Microsoft sometimes blocks email from this website. There is nothing I can do to prevent it.
- Plagiarism: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If anyone is caught plagiarizing another writer's story, their account will be deleted. No exceptions. If a member or visitor suspects plagiarizing, please contact the administrator by using the contact us link.
- Posting Reviews: Due to past problems with spammers, the reviewing of stories option has been turned off for non members.
- Submitting: Everyone is welcome to archive their fandom stories. No judgmental board will ever judge a writer's writing ability, nor is expertise expected. The only reason a first time writer has a delay in processing their story is to verify it isn't spam. Once a writer has been verified, they never have to wait for submission approval again. For information on submitting a story to the archive, read the submission guidelines.
Any information given (email address, name, etc...) will not be given to anyone outside the administrator/webmistress of Fan Fiction Writers and will be used ONLY for contact purposes concerning this website. In return, you agree not to post any abusive, obscene or any other such material that may violate any applicable laws. You also agree not to 'spam' any area of the site or its users. Doing so will lead to you being immediately banned from the site and your internet service provider notified.
The terms of service is subject to change if the administrator believes they need to be modified.
NOTE - Remember, all red * indicates required fields to join Fan Fiction Writers. Your registration requires this information. Failure to type something in these fields will result in the instant deletion of your account on the grounds it is considered a spambot.