While FFW strongly encourages creative freedom and respects an author's right to write whatever genre they choose, that does not mean Fan Fiction Writers will archive everything. With that being said, before you submit a story, please read the following submission guidelines:
- Writers are not perfect, (who is?) but correct grammar and spelling should be a priority for any writer. True, mistakes happen, a few typos or misspelled words slip under the radar, but proofread your story before you submit it.
- All stories must be placed in the proper category, rated correctly and have appropriate warnings. All slash stories, no matter the content or rating must be labeled as slash to respect those who do not wish to read such material. Remember, we want everyone to feel welcome on this website.
What Fan Fiction Writers Archives:
Fandoms - We accept fandom stories based in the following verse:
- Movies
- Books -also comic books.
- Television - also cartoons.
Writers, if your fandom is not listed, it isn't because of a judgmental decision, but most likely I haven't heard of your fandom, or it hasn't been requested. Just ask, I don't bite.
Fan Fiction Writers Does Not Archive:
- RPS - (Real People Stories). Actors/actresses, sport stars, music stars, politicians, or other famous people stories....We only archive fandom stories. Plus, yours truly, does not want to be sued.
- Rebooted fandoms - Just the original show, not the rebooted, overhauled, remake of any series. It's a small attempt to keep the original fandom alive.
- Underage characters - Absolutely no underage characters involved in a sexual relationship. These types of stories are not fan fiction. Simply put, they are nothing more than child pornography.
- MST (Mystery Science Theater) - basically these types of stories are when someone takes another's story and inserts comments throughout it. Absolutely no mocking of other writer's works will be tolerated on this website.
If you have questions or concerns, please use the 'contact us' link and I will be glad to help you.