Type: N/A
Other Results: 2 Series
Published: Mar 15, 2013 Updated: Mar 15, 2013
Do you remember 'Sins of the Mother' (SS, s8)? Well, this tale is inspired by that episode. The synopsis is simple: the story tells how Tom Ryan knows Kwai Chang Caine.

Time frame is pre-series for both characters. More info...

Published: Mar 10, 2013 Updated: Mar 10, 2013

What would you give up for the ones you love? What should you give up? Reese and Finch understand sacrifice. They’ve both paid dearly to protect those they care about. But when love may cost a teenage girl her future and a teenage boy his life, can they write a better ending for their modern-day Romeo and Juliet?

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Published: Feb 23, 2013 Updated: Feb 23, 2013

Finch is safe, but he’s snappish and frankly not very appreciative. Christine Fitzgerald’s back, with a fist-shaped bruise on her face and a not-entirely-convincing story about how she got it. Bear makes his first rescue and obviously expects his master to take care of her. And it’s raining. John Reese is not, in short, having a good day. But it might get better, with a little help from his friends.

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Published: Jan 29, 2013 Updated: Jan 29, 2013

In the aftermath of "Mission McCall" Scott's worst nightmares become reality - his father is missing, again. But this time it wasn't the Russians who took him. Scott, Gage and Mickey are on Robert's trail, but the path is confused and full of danger.

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Published: Dec 16, 2012 Updated: Dec 16, 2012
The year is 1978, the location - a gloomy orphanage in a Northern US city... The orphanage welcomes its latest resident.
This is the story of the twelve-year old Peter Caine and his first days at Pineridge, an orphaned boy struggling to come to terms with his whole world falling apart, and learning to live again. Also few words on destiny's mysterious ways... More info...
Published: Dec 02, 2012 Updated: Dec 02, 2012

When Scott tires to help a friend he finds himself included in a bust. Now he needs to get out of jail in order to help his friend, but who can he call who won't tell his dad?

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Published: Dec 02, 2012 Updated: Dec 02, 2012
Scott is sure his father's life is in danger, and no body seems to be listening, so he does the only thing he can - he goes to protect Robert, and in the process, almost gets himself killed. More info...
Published: Nov 28, 2012 Updated: Nov 28, 2012
Paul believes everyone would have lived a better life if he had never been born. When someone shows him that reality, it is not what he expected. More info...
Published: Nov 08, 2012 Updated: Nov 08, 2012
Harley has a lot of sad memories to overcome this holiday. More info...
Published: Jul 23, 2012 Updated: Jul 27, 2012
A small planet in the Kalindra systems doesn't seem like much except for it's Cafe and it's resident singer, a woman known only as Allegra. The Doctor comes here often, sometimes alone, sometimes with a companion or two. Sometimes, a former companion shows up alone. Allegra has the ability to see into their timelines and sing a song appropriate for what they are currently going through at the time. Each chapter coincides with a video I have posted on my YouTube channel, Suriana 52. More chapters will come as Allegra has more songs. Enjoy! More info...