Special Agent Donnelly is obsessed with finding the Man in the Suit. He's certain that Christine Fitzgerald knows where he is. So the last thing he expects is to end up on a date with her. But sneaking into a theater to watch the 1935 B&W movie version of “Les Miserables” isn’t really a date, is it? Even if there’s popcorn? And hand-holding? And maybe just a kiss or two? It’s still all just about finding the Man, right?
Rated: PG
Categories: Crime Drama > Person of Interest Characters: None
Genres: A.U., Romance
Type: Het
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: The Chaos Series
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 9772 Read: 1908
Published: Mar 02, 2013 Updated: Mar 02, 2013